Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Last Sunday my long run took me over the bridge in downtown Sydney. That's the bridge we see every New Year's eve on TV. It's quite a structure.

It was an easier run than I thought, in total, just under 20 km's. Plenty of people run and walk back and forth along the pedestrian walk. I couldn't resist taking a shot from the bridge of one of my favourite buildings in the world. Such vision for the people of Sydney in the '50's.

The weather is much cooler and my running is easier. I'm up to 90 km's per week now. The fine Aussie wine also helps with the nutritional side.


  1. Wow, what an amazing picture Dennis, spectacular. Great job on the high km's.

  2. Thanks Darek,

    Today (Friday) I found that I ran out of sdteam after 10k's so I'm taking a day off tomorrow. I have a long run on Sunday.

    Weather now is perfect for running cool and sunny with cloudy periods.
